Thursday, November 6, 2008

The Hookah Chronicles Part One.

Why does Sin attract company?

Why do people feel the need to get shit faced in order to have fun whenever they "go out?"
That's totally true by the way, try going out to a Frat house, party, whatever completely sober. It's hard. Goofy drunken antics are only fun when you can counter with goofy drunken antics of your own.

Then again, maybe that's just me.

The cool kids smoke. They drink. They pick fights and tussle like some bullshit MTV reality show.

And hell, that's chill.

A week before I came up here, I bought a Hookah. A hookah... is for lack of a better way to describe it... a Middle-Eastern-esque Bong used to smoke Flavored tabacco.

It's not marijuana. It's not illegal. It's apparently super bad for you, as much if not worse than cigarettes, but it tastes good and brings about a certain level of clarity and calm that is needed in an overworked, underfed, under-exercised (The Sheeshah certainly doesn't help) college student.

Lately, since about 3 weeks ago, I've smoked Sheeshah (The actual name for the Tobacco) with one of the best friends I'll ever have several times a week.

We've got our schedule down pat:

9PM: Go to a frat house.

11PM: Go to "the bar."

12:30-1:30-2:00AM: Come back to Campus.

2:00-4:30-6:00AM: Smoke Hookah. Relax. Share. Listen to Music. Meet people.

Frankly, its incredible. I've met so many people and have so many stories just from hanging out into the wee hours of the morning.

In the next couple of days I'll share these stories, and what I've attempted to learn from them.

Some are sad.

Most are happy.

A few are fucking hilarious.

But before I write 'em down... I'm just curious as to why people seem to bond over smoking? Or drinking? Why is there a certain "no-strings-attached-self confidence" that comes from this? I've had deep conversations with people while drunk. I sure as hell remember them, as do they, but when we pass on the Boulevard, or when we make eye contact in Umphrey, all that remains of our influenced companionship is an awkward Oh-Christ-...-do-they-remember kind of glance.

And awkward meeting of eyes that quickly ends.

Then again, there's a few people I've met while drunk or smoking or whatever that I'll never forget. And that's what matters.

What do you guys think about this? Why are we obsessed with this need to "get fucked up" in order to have fun?

1 comment:

Littlecoe4 said...

This obsession is something that comes along with a certain comfort obtained from either drinking or smoking. With everyone new to college and out on there own, the so called party scene is an easy way out. WIth so many people at fault of being "blackout" drunk it's hard to regret the choices and actions you made because its likely you're not on your own. When people get drunk their senses relax, along with smoking, and feel the need to connect and feel understood by others. I personally feel like it is easier for guys to approach girls when the have a little courage from a substance, and vice versa for girls to guys. This hasn't become so much of an obsession but rather an area of comfort for a teenager in a vulnerable situation. The problem however lies in the fact that we lack the confidence on our own.