Monday, October 27, 2008

Expect an Epic Post.


It'll be all about the professor plums.

(That's a clue reference to purple.)

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Day Three

Of Chilling to the Nth Degree.

Monday, October 20, 2008

I'm feeling really good.

I am chilling really hard right now.

I don't even know why.

Megatron can step off.
Jazz can sod off.
Starscream can (be and will be) piss off.

And I can fly like Optimus Prime.

This is the intermediatory piece before I start writing argument driven pieces.


and please, under no circumstances...

do not get it twisted.

Sunday, October 19, 2008


I've been up at college now for almost two months, and shockingly enough, I've gone through enough drama to give MT shitty reality show material for years.

I spent four years in my Cathiscopalean school being told that College would be a challenging place for me to grow both academically and socially. I'd mature into an intelligent, balanced adult, all under the safe watch-full eyes of faculty, friends, and SMUPD (hah).

Which fucking College did I end up in?

I made the jump from High School right to Middle School again.

I watched a friend of mine get asked to leave a frat party because the frat guy wasn't "feeling" what my buddy was wearing. I've seen girls embarrass themselves over the safe guise of alcohol and attention. The fact that people post on Juicy Campus bllllllllllllows my mind.

I've been walked on, stomped on, and torn.

But hell,

Fuck it, Dude.

Literally, fuck it.

It doesn't matter.

Once upon a time, I saw a guy explain this philosophy to me. This is a pretty cool story.

He was a street skater, like the aggressive inline stuff, not skateboards, and was staring down a huge stair case. He wanted to jump it. He looked and was I'm sure terrified. Right before going he said, “Fuck it, Dude...” and went.

He missed his landing, tore his leg out of his socket, and sent his shin bone straight through his knee.

People ran expecting to see a grisly accident and a long night at the hospital.


He was fine. He propped himself up and watched people run towards him. He didn't cry, he didn't panic, he looked at his mangled leg and said, “Eh. FID it, man. I went, I failed, so what? Fuck. It. Dude.” Then he laughed as his friends tried to put him into the back of an ambulance.
I've never been able to forget that.
And he's right.
It doesn't matter.

Don't wear Oxford button downs and multicolored khakis if you don't enjoy looking like that.

Don't wear sun dresses all the time if you don't feel up to it.

Don't contort yourself to fit into some minute social gap because that's the only spot in the wall you'll feel comfortable in.

Pull your head out of your ass for two minutes to see that you're surrounded by walls, and niches, and clicks, and groups of people that will judge you for not being like them.

Don't --
Or do all of that. It doesn't matter.

Fuck it, Dude.


The only thing that matters is you.
And if you're happy, awesome.

If you're not,

Because you will be. And deserve to be.

Don't comment on this post, its just ramblings. I've been told this week that I must start writing argument driven pieces.

Consider this my transfer.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

I made a comment!

On J.R. Blogger's blog.

I let my thoughts flow
like time in a day,
and made a response to his
metaphorical "Stairway heaven."