Sunday, November 30, 2008

A made a comment...

On JSC's blog Its a Tricky World Out There...


About alcohol violations and their significance...

Made a comment...

On JSC's blog "It's a Tricky World Out There."

About (G)Obama and the election.

Salvia: A Youngster's Hallucinogenic

I would bet that Salvia is something most parents, adults, and generally speaking, “people of authority” don't know about. 

Most High School students know about Salvia. (Or at least they know the effects of Driving On Salvia)

Salvia is a hallucinogenic substance that can be smoked much like tobacco or marijuana, and is known to produce vivid trips on par with LSD. 

Heres the catch: It's legal.

I went to Puff 'N Stuff the other day and bought 25x strength Salvia.
Later that night, for about 5 minutes, I thought I was in a golf cart riding down a red, blue, and yellow brick road when my friend fell out of the cart. 

It was funny at the time, but wow. That sounds like LSD tripping stories. The only difference is my keys didn't 

Smoke shops carry it, ninth graders smoke it to feel rebellious, and I lost my mind upon its use. 
It's a mint-genus plant with roots in divining and Shamanism of  Central and South American Tribes... but so does Marijuana, right? 

The effects, however, of smoking the drugs are drastically different. 

Salvia, according to, a major player in the fight for its legality, lists the effects as such:

Loss of physical coordination
Uncontrollable laughter
Visual alterations or visions
Experiencing multiple realities
A contemplative sense of peace
Sense of profound understanding
Dream-like veneer over the world
Sense of total confusion or madness
Seeing or becoming part of a tunnel
Loss of sense of awareness as an individual
Experiencing a “non-Euclidean” geometry
Sense of flying, floating, twisting, or turning
Feeling of being immersed in an energy field
Feeling of being connected to a larger “whole”
Feeling of being underground or underwater
Appearing to travel to other places and/or times
Becoming inanimate objects (a wall, stairs, a couch, etc.)
Viewing patterns or shapes that are tube-like, snake-like, or worm-like...

Hell, on the package (Literally a package, like buying spices at a grocery store), it recommends having a "spotter" nearby during use. 

A spotter as in a friend to make sure you don't go insane.

Yet Marijuana is illegal?

Yet after all the research done on Cigarettes and its harm, they're legal?

According to CollegeDrinkingPrevention, over 97% of rape on a campus involves Alcohol. 

Yet Alcohol is legal? 

Perhaps Salvia is still legal as some obtuse anachronism that authorities have yet to research and crack down on. 
After all, apparently it doesn't cause Kidney, Liver, Brain or Lung Cancer.

If I can't destroy my body using Marijuana, because its illegal, Thank god Cigarettes, Salvia and Alcohol are readily prevalent for me to abuse. 

Can there really be no effects on the brain if you're “tripping balls” for 10 minutes in a fashion similar to LSD?

What do you guys think about Salvia?

Harmless Hallucinogenic used by Eighth graders that haven't been able to meet a Marijuana dealer?

Or is it a mind-altering drug that is self-destructive, but due to a lack of research by a Government that can easily tax and manage the drug, the negative effects go unnoticed. 

(Sorry to go all conspiracy theory on you.)

After all, just YouTube "Salvia."

People make pretty funny videos of its effects... God forbid the Government cracks down on laughter too =)

Thursday, November 6, 2008

The Hookah Chronicles Part One.

Why does Sin attract company?

Why do people feel the need to get shit faced in order to have fun whenever they "go out?"
That's totally true by the way, try going out to a Frat house, party, whatever completely sober. It's hard. Goofy drunken antics are only fun when you can counter with goofy drunken antics of your own.

Then again, maybe that's just me.

The cool kids smoke. They drink. They pick fights and tussle like some bullshit MTV reality show.

And hell, that's chill.

A week before I came up here, I bought a Hookah. A hookah... is for lack of a better way to describe it... a Middle-Eastern-esque Bong used to smoke Flavored tabacco.

It's not marijuana. It's not illegal. It's apparently super bad for you, as much if not worse than cigarettes, but it tastes good and brings about a certain level of clarity and calm that is needed in an overworked, underfed, under-exercised (The Sheeshah certainly doesn't help) college student.

Lately, since about 3 weeks ago, I've smoked Sheeshah (The actual name for the Tobacco) with one of the best friends I'll ever have several times a week.

We've got our schedule down pat:

9PM: Go to a frat house.

11PM: Go to "the bar."

12:30-1:30-2:00AM: Come back to Campus.

2:00-4:30-6:00AM: Smoke Hookah. Relax. Share. Listen to Music. Meet people.

Frankly, its incredible. I've met so many people and have so many stories just from hanging out into the wee hours of the morning.

In the next couple of days I'll share these stories, and what I've attempted to learn from them.

Some are sad.

Most are happy.

A few are fucking hilarious.

But before I write 'em down... I'm just curious as to why people seem to bond over smoking? Or drinking? Why is there a certain "no-strings-attached-self confidence" that comes from this? I've had deep conversations with people while drunk. I sure as hell remember them, as do they, but when we pass on the Boulevard, or when we make eye contact in Umphrey, all that remains of our influenced companionship is an awkward Oh-Christ-...-do-they-remember kind of glance.

And awkward meeting of eyes that quickly ends.

Then again, there's a few people I've met while drunk or smoking or whatever that I'll never forget. And that's what matters.

What do you guys think about this? Why are we obsessed with this need to "get fucked up" in order to have fun?

Monday, November 3, 2008

Made a comment

On A Brave New World's rant about money.


Monday, October 27, 2008

Expect an Epic Post.


It'll be all about the professor plums.

(That's a clue reference to purple.)

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Day Three

Of Chilling to the Nth Degree.